Do You See What I See?

God, help us look at what matters

I see the outside world
Through a distorted lens.
Covers the glass, a wall
Between us.

Inside counters outside,
Which blurs my vision.
I touch the glass
To remove the moisture.
It is dry.

Humidity’s teardrops
Are on the other side.
The differences
Alter my view of you.
Oh, to see!

So I open the door,
Step outside from inside,
To see clearly.
My glasses fog, blocking
That one goal.

I still see you, your world
Through a distorted lens.
My perspective
Blurs the glass, a window
To your soul.

What I can’t see of you
With my limited sight
Another can.
God, give me eyes to see
As You see.

Despite the barriers,
Despite the difference
Help me to love.
May I look inwardly
At the heart.

May you see my heart too.

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7, NIV

It seems to me that the war cry against racism points even more to the color of our skin. I am more aware of my “whiteness” than ever before, though I am a mix of nationalities, a legitimate mutt of dubious heritage who happens to have light skin. Did not we all descend from Adam? Are we not all created in God’s image? Did not Jesus die that all of us might be freed from sin and live to glorify Him?

I realize that my life — how I was raised, what I believe, where I live and work and love — provide the glasses through which I see the world. You wear unique glasses too. You see the world differently than I, most likely. The way we perceive the world can make it hard to see one another as we really are.

One recent rainy day in my air-conditioned home, I noticed my foggy windows, nearly opaque, hindered my view of the great outdoors. Why were they covered in condensation? Because of the contrast between the temperature and humidity inside and outside. I thought them a perfect parallel to the viewpoints that hinder us from seeing each other.

When I engross myself in what’s happening in the world and see the enveloping hopelessness, I fail to see God as He truly is: all-powerful, all-knowing, and so loving that He made a way for us to be His children. All of us.

We need Him more than ever. God help us truly see and love one another.

Originally published on June 18, 2020, on Koinonia, a publication on

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