Thoughts upon awakening Thanksgiving morn…

I awakened to the scale alerting me I’d gained 1.5 pounds since my last weigh-in 24 hours ago, and it’s still before sunrise on Thanksgiving morning. No exercise this morning, just cook, cook, cook — and overeat. Can’t wait for tomorrow morning’s verdict!

I needed cream for my coffee and so headed out to the garage to get a carton from the extra refrigerator, delighted when our cat Trouble greeted me by wrapping herself around my legs. (We have decided she will have a safer life out of doors, out of our other cat’s jurisdiction. Read Trouble’s story at “One cat too many…“) I picked her up but noticed a little furry object — it moved! Barely. I’m guessing it is a mole — or what is left of a mole? I eased Trouble back onto the floor, troubled myself. Her safer life will make the world a much less safe place for the other creatures in our yard who have grown to love the absence of a previous cat we owned for nearly two decades.

2015-11-26 04.41.49

Inside the house, I poured cream into my coffee, absently noticing I was using a Christmas mug, that the Christmas lights on the back porch were lit,  and that Christmas music was playing on the radio. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. (For the record, I use two different Christmas mugs year round for my coffee, as they are the perfect size for my Keurig cup of choice. The lights have been hanging since last winter, ignored and forgotten, until last night when my husband decided he wanted them on.)

It’s a good time to write a blog post that no one will read.

I was afraid to review my Thanksgiving schedule, so carefully recorded within the recipe site I created for my personal use, but finally did and was happy to realize I have a good four or five hours before I have to get the turkey in the oven. Time to write, to set the table, to do some preliminary work so the rest of the day is easy. (Is that possible?)

Stephen and Stephanie, my son and daughter-in-law, arrived last night and are asleep (comfortably, I hope) in the bedroom my husband and I have been revamping as a guest room. Yesterday, my son sent me a text, telling me to let my youngest son “know” that his oldest brother wouldn’t be able to come after all, as he had to work. I did not, but the siblings all joined in tormenting my youngest, who loves spending time with his older brother and can’t get nearly enough. (Adam read me the various text conversations, and I thought those might make a great blog post in itself. But it isn’t my phone. Adam never bought into the lies, by the way. Gone is the gullible boy who might have panicked. “That would have gotten my goat before,” Adam said. “Now now.” Indeed. I love this maturing young man and the older brother who recognizes how loved he is. I am so glad he and his beautiful wife are home for the holiday.)

Stephanie came with food to share — a woman after my own heart — including homemade whole berry cranberry sauce and two loaves of pumpkin bread on a delightful Thanksgiving-themed tray. (Maybe it will override the Christmas carols streaming loudly on the Christmas-lighted back porch. I am tired of Christmas music already.) I wonder if it would be OK to steal a slice to enjoy with a second cup of coffee?

(The evil queen’s “mirror, mirror on the wall” has nothing on the scale in my bathroom. I’m sure it will tell me lovely things about myself tomorrow morning…)

I am thankful. Today (God willing), I will be surrounded by family and friends in a house filled with the sights and smells and tastes of Thanksgiving. And the love…

Oh, Trouble just meowed at the door. Apparently, she wants to come in for food she doesn’t have to de-fur herself… Um. Actually, no. She just wanted to show me the little animal she just caught.

On to bigger and better things! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


Posts for NaBloPoMo 2015:

  1. Why I love my hairstylist…
  2. To NaBloPoMo or not to NaBloPoMo? That is the question…
  3. No AC November…
  4. That dubious gift of an hour…
  5. I can’t wait to be discovered…
  6. Once an English teacher, always an English teacher…
  7. Of mice and men (or when you give a mouse a cookie)…
  8. When you replace people with possessions…
  9. Do what you know is right…
  10. When your eyes are bigger than your weekend…
  11. Attempting “The Glad Game”…
  12. When the Christian life is a bit too much like a political debate…
  13. Vertigo: When the world around you begins to spin…
  14. How our Mitsubishi van became blue…
  15. If she only knew…
  16. When everything feels like straw…
  17. Construction criticism (or where have all the detours gone?)…
  18. Don’t skimp on the showers…
  19. My surprise “happily ever after” …
  20. In fact, we are not entitled…
  21. The end of the twin era…
  22. More time is not always the answer…
  23. When furniture shows your age…
  24. If a gift falls in the forest…
  25. Turkey trauma: Me, myself, and my memories…
  26. Thoughts upon awakening Thanksgiving morn…


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