Chronicles of Marmia, Day 2

Early a.m.: Could I live like this?

Life in a hotel is inconvenient at best. I can’t see a Walgreens from our high-rise window, could not bring my customary supplies (i.e. bottled water or lemon wedges to doctor up tap water), and have no cooler or refrigerator (as I was not given the key to the minibar in my unit).

And last night, for instance, we “had” to take a taxi to dinner–and then “had” to eat everything on our plates because we had no place to store our leftovers (except our waistlines, of course). (Although the waiter very kindly gave me a box of lemon wedges to take with me.) 🙂

I slept like a rock until 3:30, at which time, I tried to return to Slumberland without success. When the clock announced 4:00 Texas time, I figured since it was 5:00 Florida time and could officially get out of bed. Quietly. Because I am rooming with Mrs. Light Sleeper (who was still in my room, which, I think, means I did not snore last night, unless she shortened my snoring spree by waking me up at 3:30…)

Because I didn’t want to inconvenience Brittany by disrupting her sleep and I was bored with my thoughts, I stealthily reached into my suitcase, grabbed my workout clothes, dressed, and unobtrusively (except for the flood of light that poured in from the hall and the loud click of the door) escaped with my purse, Kindle, and the key card. I found the exercise room and was thrilled–all sorts of aerobic and weightlifting choices, TVs (all playing different stations loudly, and I could only find a remote for one), music (also playing loudly), bottled water (heaven!), and no other guests (even better!). I managed a walk/run for a half hour on the treadmill and reasonably sweaty and hydrated, made my way to the lobby, where I enjoyed complimentary Colombian coffee with real cream and time reading my Bible.

As I finished my daily One Year Bible reading, I had to laugh. Part of today’s reading came from Psalm 139:

O Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do (New Living Translation. emphasis mine).

My morning office. The seat is a little uncomfortable because the lid buckles.

Oh, yes! Even as I write these Chronicles of Marmia in Texas (apparently two flights away from Florida in a budget seat), God sees me (and, perhaps, is telling me I will rest at home?). Life in a hotel is inconvenient–but I could get used to it (although I confess I am sitting in the bathroom typing as Brittany is still sleeping).

But if the hardest thing I have to do today is remain quiet (and that might be a challenge) and decide which of the workshop offerings I should attend, all in the presence of God, it’s going to be another great day.

Later: Seeing myself all over

The funny thing about being a school marm is that I can recognize other school marms at a glance. It’s rather scary. In fact, I leaned over to Brittany during one of the meetings today and whispered, “This is the Practical Shoe Conference.” (You might remember my recent post about my man shoes and happy feet.) But I could just have easily called it the “Vera Bradley Bag Lady Conference.” It’s funny. I usually find comfort in numbers, feeling I am in style. Today? Not so much. It’s like being surrounded by mirrors all day.

The real name of the conference, the 20th annual conference sponsored by the Association of Classical & Christian Schools, is “Repairing the Ruins.” Somehow I find that less than inspiring. What ruins? My life? My school? My teaching career? My wardrobe and purse choices? (OK, so, maybe.)

Well, as I just wasn’t getting the title, Brittany kindly pointed out that this is a classical conference and it might bring to mind the ruins from–oh, I don’t get it. I guess if ruins wasn’t referring to my teaching career at my classical school, it is now…

In my defense, I did take away a lot from today’s plenary meetings as well as the workshops–until my 3:30 a.m. internal wake-up call caught up with me. Yawning may have unplugged my ears and relieved the pressure while flying yesterday, but it served no real purpose today, unless as a signal to the speakers to wrap things up.

Yawn. And a signal to me to do the same. Day 3 is tomorrow.

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