It’s as if my inner self is rebelling against the busyness and the demands of life–that, by the way, haven’t ceased. But with an extra day “off” (read that: teacher work day at home) and my graduate studies ended for the semester (whew! just in time for baseball season in full swing), I find that I want to do nothing–in the way of school work that would make my next days easier.

However, clean the house? Do laundry? Pure joy! A blessing! Fun!

Weed the yard? Pick up sticks? Woohoo! Bring it on!

But grade those “orphan” papers (the ones students who were absent or otherwise waylaid have hoisted on me in straggling form) or figure out who has earned what extra credit? Put those final comments on report cards? Plan for the upcoming (and last!) quarter?

I’ve got nothing left to give.

I know my journalistic nature–deadline pressure!–will kick into gear, and I will get everything done. But today, I just want to enjoy the cool air, the great outdoors, a clean house and car, a phone call with my sister, and the feel of typing something not school-related on the keyboard.

I know the sayings: Steve Covey’s “Sharpen the saw,”  Andrew Gide’s “Nothing excellent can be done without leisure,” and Harriet Martineau’s “Leisure, some degree of it, is necessary to the health of every man’s spirit.”

And, of course, what Mom always said, “Listen to your body.”

She’s right (as always!), but, truly, I don’t even have to listen to her or my body or those other inspirational quotes. I’m stuck. Done. Finished. I couldn’t disobey Mom or my body even if I wanted to. Today, at least, I’m forced to sharpen my saw and live leisurely. My leisure looks a bit like work, perhaps, but it’s different from the scholarly daily grind, and it’s good.

So good.

Tomorrow, I’ll have work to do. I hope my inner rebellion will be over.

3 thoughts on “STuCK…

  1. Did you catch the pun you used: “baseball season, in full swing?” Love it!

    What you describe must be in the air. I’m feeling it as well–I felt so good about cleaning up the house this morning, straightening, catching up with the neighbors, etc. Although like you, there are so many other things to do. However, as you said, sometimes we have no choice but to listen to our bodies and take it easy–even when our “easy” wouldn’t appear that way to someone else.

    Great post, as usual.

    Really miss having you in class!

    Happy Sabbath-


    1. Yes–fully intentional pun included! Glad you liked it–and glad you relate. I do miss being in class with you–and envy your chance to learn with Dr. Kumar. I’m pretty sure she teaches our final course as well, and I’d be looking forward to taking it just to have her again (though that fact that it will be our grand finale is pretty exciting too!).

      I hope you are feeling better!


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