More than ironic…

I thought I could simply shoot a photo of the receipt where I began writing at 2 a.m. with my laptop keyboard... my cat kept getting in the way; I took six shots of lousy and made a collage. Let's call it art.
I thought if I wrote on a scrap piece of paper — my latest grocery receipt — I had a better chance of returning to Slumberland than if I used my laptop at 2 in the morning. Later, when I got out of bed for the day, I tried for a photo illustration, contrasting that receipt with my laptop keyboard. My cat kept getting in the way; I took six shots of lousy and made a collage. Let’s call it art.

Ironic. It is 2 a.m. and I am awake. This after blogging just yesterday (actually, just hours ago) about doing more with less time — because my brain had started sleeping through the night, making my days shorter. (I actually was lamenting my sleeping through the night. What was I thinking?!) I got up a little after 2, figured it was too early to really be up, and so ate a bowl of Raisin Bran, followed by a short glass of prune juice — because if I am old enough to awaken naturally at 2 a.m. then I must be old enough to need all this natural dietary fiber and “encouragement.” And then I went back to bed.

Ahhhh! Bed. Another precious two hours to sleep… but my brain didn’t cooperate:

  • “Oh my! Christmas is Wednesday, and I still don’t have a tree….”
  • “I could get up and write my blog post for the day.”
  • “Sleep, sleep. You have a stuffy nose and are fighting something. You need sleep.”
  • “Ugh. I forgot to type up the announcements.”
  • “Dare I wear boots with a dress?”
  • “I still haven’t done my lesson plans…”
  • “I don’t want to bother with a tree this year. It is so late. All that work for so little time…”
  • “I could get up and make that necklace for Diana… probably should, since my lesson plans are clearly late.”
  • “Oh, I need to contact Dana — or Beryl — to get the amended schedule out to teachers and posted in the halls this morning…”
  • “Blog, blog… what am I going to write about today? Maybe Christmas trees. Maybe I could ask my readers their thoughts about getting a tree at this late date. My parents always got the tree on Christmas Eve, which means I’m still early. Maybe I should just ask my kids if they mind opening gifts around a lighted ficus tree this year….”
  • “Maybe I should allow Diana to go to the senior breakfast this morning instead of me…”
  • ” ‘Early to bed, early to rise’ … no, no, no, you didn’t go to bed early enough to get up this early!”
  • ” “Let sleeping dogs lie’ … wait, what?
  • “Fake it till you make it”?

Uggggghhhhhh! I cannot fake sleep; I am too awake already; I might as well get out of bed.

I did. I wrote. I attempted photos. Shot a cat who kept getting in the way. (With my camera phone, people. Stop hating on cats.) I still don’t know what I want to do about a Christmas tree. My stuffy nose is now running profusely. The announcements are merely running through my mind, yet to make their way to documents others can access. I am still iffy on wearing boots with tights and a dress. I wrote no lesson plans. Want no Christmas tree. Made no necklace. Did not contact Dana or Beryl, but did determine that breakfast — even with 24 seniors — sounds good…

And I am watching my sleeping cat lie. And I am jealous. It is ironic, isn’t it? I want more sleep.

So tired....
So tired….



2 thoughts on “More than ironic…

  1. Have really been enjoying your blogs of late, you are so talented with your wording. It is warming up a bit here and I have the glass sliding door open for a change. Everyone here is ok, but Kelly, Cathye’s daughter, has been diagnosed with MS. I’ll fill in more of the details later. Prayers appreciated. Love you…


    1. Thanks, Betty Jo! I’m so sorry to hear that about Kelly. I thought she was just having issues from the spinal taps… is it related? I am praying. I will call this weekend! Love you!


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